@article{oai:fra.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000035, author = {Hasegawa, Katsuo and 長谷川, 勝男}, issue = {1}, journal = {水産技術, Journal of fisheries technology}, month = {Aug}, note = {Fuel-saving in fishing boats is urgently needed to reduce fuel costs and CO2 emissions for prevention of global warming. One effective fuel-saving measure is cruising at economic speed. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the actual fuel consumption rate of fishing boat engines. In this study, I developed a new measurement method to estimate the fuel consumption rate from boost pressure of supercharged engines. Engine bench tests were performed with a Yanmar 4CH-ST engine. Consequently, the fuel consumption rate could be estimated as a function of boost pressure only, regardless of engine speed and torque. Therefore, the fuel consumption rate for each fishing boat can be estimated using the relationship between boost pressure and fuel consumption derived from engine performance test data at factories. This measurement system was tested on a coastal fishing boat. The result showed that the monthly total fuel consumption estimated by this method was 5–11% higher than the actual refueling amount. These values were considered acceptable accuracy for applications such as determining the economic speed of fishing boats., 漁船機関の燃料消費の計測法として,本研究では機関の過給圧を利用する手法を開発した。陸上のベンチテストでは,機関の燃料消費は回転数やトルクに依存せず過給圧のみの関数で表された。従って,漁船の搭載機関に対しても,その工場試験のデータを基に当該機関の過給圧の関数で燃料消費が推定可能と判断した。小型底びき網漁船で検証試験を実施した結果,毎月の給油量と比較して本法で算定した燃料消費量は5~11 %ほど過大となった。精度向上が課題として残るものの,船速と燃料消費の関係評価など沿岸漁船の燃料消費特性の把握に本法は十分に実用的である。}, pages = {7--13}, title = {機関過給圧を利用した沿岸漁船の燃料消費計測法の開発}, volume = {14}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ハセガワ, カツオ} }